Reflect & Comment on Professional Standard 3: Professional Relationships/ Ngā hononga ngaio *
I have copied and pasted this from our termly Teacher Self-Check. It's a reflection against one of the professional standards.
How have you engaged in reciprocal, collaborative learning-focused relationships with:-
learners, I offer students the opportunity to be involved in the process to design their own learning.
I assess them and share their learning data with them. They are able to see what they know and what they need to know. I support them to choose ways to meet those goals in ways that work for them.
family and whānau- I am very open about what my class is doing.
Here is a link to my newsletter that shares my intentions for the term with my whanau.
teaching colleagues,
In our staff we regularly talk about what we are doing, why and how. I think we are all very close as a staff and we work closely together to support one another.
support staff and other professionals-
I worked very closely this term with Haley my teacher aid. I trained her how to teach multiplication strategies and set her up with a group, resources etc so that she could be successful. As a result of this, many of my students made accelerated progress in maths last term with their number strategies.
Agencies, groups and individuals in the community.•
I have worked closely with RTLB Pam on my spelling programme
I have liaised with CORE ed working about my teacher inquiry
I connected with our Enviro leader and the DOC Scientist to support learners in my class.
I also arranged many other members of the community to be interviewed by my students for their documentary project.
This question is also massive.
How do you communicate effectively
I talk to people. ‘
I email.
I text.
I listen.
I reflect and think.
Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility.•
I attend staff meetings
I attend COL meetings
I seek professional development eg anxiety workshop
I read the shared text to discuss at staff meetings
I read numerous other articles about teaching and learning
I organise things eg kapa haka trip, Matariki, kapa haka uniforms, school pantomime
Communicate clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information.
I communicate assessment on etap
I have quite a lot of assessment on my computer which is organised in ways that make sense to me. Much of this is not on etap.
I have written progress and achievement reports for my students
I have had parent teacher interview to communicate achievement