Friday 19 July 2019

Kahui Ako Term 2

The reason I have shared these pics is  because as I was given the role of WSL for our Kahui Ako and I have begun attending COL meetings in Term 2. I attended 3 meetings. The following documents are focused some of the things we are focusing on as part of our COL. 
There are 4 achievement challenges. There are 2 that our school will be focusing on specifically. 
1) Cultural Capacity linked to our desire to connect with our iwi to create culturally responsive programmes at Mount Biggs and 2) Pedagogy- linked to digital technologies and the work we are doing with Tessa Gray from CORE education.

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ULearn 2019

My time at ULearn was amazing. I picked exactly the right sessions to attend for my professional learning and I enjoyed EVERY single one. ...